Do you want to start learning (and using) Spanish today? If so, you’ve come to the right place. TruFluency is here to help you begin your Spanish journey in small, accessible ways. A great way to practice any language is warming up your voice, focusing on a few useful...
Did you know there are thousands of languages spoken in the world? Each language has its own unique words, nuances and expressions that help you understand the culture of the people who speak it. But among all those languages, some are more widely spoken than others....
Did you know that Russian is spoken by about 258 million people in the world? Russian is the official language for places like Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan. In addition to that, you can find Russian speakers in many places in Eastern Europe and the...
The Japanese language is exciting and colorful! If you’re thinking about learning Japanese, you’ll be opening doors for yourself in personal relationships, business, and from a cultural aspect. You’ll have an additional 130 million people you can connect...
Have you spoken Spanish since you were a child, or learned it simply out of personal interest? If so, you are probably well aware of the personal and social benefits that bilingualism offers, such as forming bonds with native speakers and making travel more...
Considering learning the Chinese language? What a great goal it is! Mandarin has over one billion speakers and so you’ll have plenty of people to speak to. While Mandarin may be a little intimidating for an English speaker, it’s totally doable with a bit of dedication...