Learning a new language is always a challenge. Even if you learn one that might be easy for you. Because there will always be some differences in words, alphabets, pronunciation, and more. Now imagine if the language is very hard or totally unfamiliar for you. But the...
Oh, to be bilingual! That is what many people dream of. We’ve all heard people say that it brings many new opportunities to your life. And, let’s be honest, the idea of knowing another language sounds so cool! But do you know what bilingualism really means? Does it...
Missing some sparkle in your life? Getting yourself into unnecessary drama and wondering what to do about it? Wanting to escape reality with a binge marathon? Then, you’ll love telenovelas! And, no, they’re not only for abuelitas and housewives! Telenovelas are...
Tests are a huge part of any school experience. They help you and your teachers determine your knowledge about any subject. Sometimes you take a test before starting a class, so your professors can teach you things according to your level. Some other times you answer...
There are so many ways you can learn a language. You can attend formal classes or do something more adventurous like signing up for immersion groups in countries that speak the target language. You can also download apps or take classes online. One of the most...
Whether it’s for work or just for fun, moving to another country is a great opportunity. It will make you grow up in many ways. But it can also be scary, especially if you don’t know the language of that country. If you know a popular language like English you might...