Hi, language learners and welcome to our blog! Today we’ll get to know many different Spanish-speaking vloggers that can help you improve your Spanish skills.
Nowadays we live immersed in technology, and the internet and its influencers have taken over the world. We completely understand. There are tons of interesting people out there making content about tons of different topics in many different languages.
From comedy to movie reviews to exploring the world to beauty, and so on… So no matter your interests, there’s an influencer for you out there.
Many of them also make the commonly known “vlogs”. Videos where they take you anywhere while speaking in their mother tongue, as if you were their friend accompanying them. Guess what? Believe it or not, this is a great way to immerse yourself in a new language and learn it.
That’s why today we bring you five Spanish vloggers to have fun with them. If you love watching videos and are a fan of vlogs, we recommend that you learn Spanish with these Spanish vloggers.
Why Learn Spanish with Vloggers?
It’s fun!
Let’s be honest, watching videos online is super fun! It’s a great way to relax our minds after work or a long study session. It also gives us a sense of community when we’re fans of an influencer and share our love for him/her with other fans. Depending on the video you watch, it can also be informative and learning about something you love can be fun as well.
So, if you love Spanish and YouTube, watching videos will be a fun way to improve your language skills. In today’s world where we use the internet daily, we already associate YouTube with fun. So it won’t feel like you’re studying when you watch YouTube vloggers in Spanish.
You’ll learn things they don’t teach you in school
When you watch and listen to a person talking about anything and living their lives, you’ll be immersed in the language they’re talking. Even if these people are doing all of this online. They’ll still use the normal, everyday vocabulary they usually use.
Oftentimes, this includes slang, idioms, and swear words. Things many schools don’t teach you, because they aren’t very formal nor serious words and phrases. But it’s still important to learn them as they’re part of the locals and natives’ everyday ways of expression.
If you travel abroad or make a Hispanic friend, you’ll need to know at least some of these everyday words. So there are no misunderstandings, confusions, or awkward moments.
That’s exactly what Spanish vloggers will help you with. They don’t even have to be language vloggers, just normal people talking as they normally do. You’ll gradually acquire new, casual but essential Spanish vocabulary.
You’ll learn about other cultures
If you watch, listen and follow along different Spanish speaking vloggers, you’ll get to learn a lot about their cultures. Because they usually show the ways they live, their traditions, their kind of food, their slang, how people are through their videos.
Even if they’re not videos particularly about culture, they’ll still show a bit of it by doing their everyday things.
And we know that culture and language are best friends! So it’s important you also get to know the culture of the language you’re speaking.
Plus, since there are many different Spanish vloggers from many different Hispanic countries, you might learn about various cultures. Yay!
Spanish Speaking Vloggers
Los Polinesios
Los Polinesios are one of the most popular Spanish-speaking content creators. They’re from Mexico but have fans from many other countries. Just for you to get an idea of their popularity: Currently, they have over 25 million subscribers! That’s impressive!
They’re three siblings, Karen, Rafa and Lesslie that started in 2010 making jokes to each other online. As they gained popularity, they started to show their everyday lives.
Now they have tons of videos on different things they’ve lived and experienced. Most of them are vlogs, which is great for your language acquisition! People have, basically, seen them grow up.
You’ll find vlogs about traveling, trying sports and risky activities, celebrating their birthdays, fun and comedy, and their common everyday lives… Most recently, they’ve done some vlogs about pregnancy and motherhood, because Lesslie just had a baby.
So, there’s a lot you can watch on their YouTube channel. Whether you’re a mom, a food enthusiast, a passionate traveler, or just a person wanting to have a chill time.
Plus, all the siblings have different personalities and hobbies, which makes for interesting videos.
If you like them and want to take your Spanish learning journey further, there are some books in Spanish you can read. Lesslie has published 3 books by herself and they all have 1 book published together.
They’ve also released some songs in Spanish.
Oh, and they have other channels: “ExtraPolinesios” And “Musas”. This last one is mainly just of the sisters, Karen and Lesslie.
There’s a lot of content for you to learn Spanish. Good luck and have fun!
Oscar Alejandro
Oscar Alejandro is a travel vlogger from Venezuela. He has over 2 million subscribers! And has now visited way too many countries, learning many things about how the locals live and their culture.
You’ll mainly find vlogs where he visits a country and different famous and interesting spots there. You’ll see what he likes the most and he’ll give you some tips to make your journey better. He also gives the historical background of many places he visits, so you’ll learn a lot.
There are also vlogs where he shows you different hotels, what you can do and how he felt staying there. As well as videos where he visits amusement parks to experience them and tell you all about them.
In other videos he shows how some people from anywhere in the world live. These are great to learn about culture and ways of living in a country that’s not your own.
He also makes videos asking people a specific question to get to know more about how they live and their expenses. For example: How much they earn living in their country. He even has a few videos making experiments working in any specific job to see how much they earn.
Now that we’re talking about money, he also has the classic “¿Cuánto cuesta vivir en…?” vlogs. In those he visits a country while he’s guided by a local and asks him/her questions about living there.
All with the purpose of seeing how much it costs to live there. There are also vlogs visiting a supermarket of a specific country to get to know them and see how expensive they are.
Basically, his videos are great if you’re planning to travel and, most importantly, if you’re planning to move somewhere.
Dani Hoyos
Do you like art and crafts? Great, this is your channel! Dani Hoyos is a Mexican content creator about art. She loves colors and many of the things she does are super colorful.
Many of her videos are filmed as vlogs. She takes her subscribers to go on a day with her as if we were her closest friends.
You’ll find vlogs accompanying her to buy art supplies. As well as painting different things, tours through different spaces that she uses, art challenges, vlogs about her personal life…
But one of her most popular videos are the ones where she paints the walls of different people, especially influencers, according to their likes.
She also does “vlogmas”, which are vlogs about Christmas. So in each video you’ll accompany her through one of her days of December doing different things related to this holiday.
If you like dogs and Taylor Swift, you’ll love her even more, because those are two of her favorite things.
She’s also an art teacher and has her own art workshop, where she teaches.
Alita’s World
If you like Mexican and Cuban cultures, this is the YouTube channel for you! Alita is from Cuba, but she moved to Mexico a little bit over a year ago. In this channel you’ll follow her on her adventures in a new country, while she discovers the culture.
You’ll find tons of vlogs related to culture and different ways of living. She has videos visiting different Mexican supermarkets and showing what they sell, how fancy they look, and how expensive they are.
Similar to this, she has videos where she visits some malls and shows you how they look and what you can find there.
There are also vlogs where she eats Mexican food for the first time. In some others she visits many different Mexican places, some iconic and historical and some others regular places people from Mexico often go to.
She also goes to parades and learns about traditions. In every video she shows how she feels about what she’s seeing or experiencing, and what surprises her the most. This makes it feel like you’re living it with her.
She also has some videos telling how much she’s changed since she moved to Mexico, and how she feels overall.
But she didn’t start as a content creator when she moved to Mexico. No, no. She’s been an influencer since she was in Cuba. Which means you’ll also find videos about Cuba and its culture.
She shows the beaches from Cuba, places for the rich in Cuba, and different provinces, towns and cities. As well as Cuban supermarkets and malls. She also visits beautiful places you can find in Cuba.
There are also some videos where she eats Cuban food, so we can learn about their gastronomy. As well as some vlogs where she shows what you can buy or eat with a specific amount of money in Cuba. Through some other vlogs she shows the difficulties of living in Cuba and how people live.
If you love the Cuban accent, you can’t miss her videos!
We believe her vlogs are entertaining and interesting, but also important for cultural awareness.
Raiza Revelles
Are you a fan of horror and scary content? Awesome, so is Raiza Revelles. She’s a content creator about scary topics. She’s been on YouTube for a while now, but she hasn’t always done chilling content. Before, she used to do videos about makeup and books.
Now, she has her own “Sociedad de las pesadillas” (society of the nightmares). They’re a group of friends that do paranormal investigations. They go to different places with professional equipment to try and see what they can find.
Some of her videos are sitting down and narrating scary stories from different places, like prisons. But the paranormal investigations have the format of a blog.
They’ll show us from the moment they’re traveling to the haunted place to the story and background of that place. As well as their reactions to what they experience.
You’ll find investigations about Mexico’s most haunted house, a night at the Queen Mary, investigating an amusement park, an asylum, and more. Very recently they all went to the Conjuring house!
By the way, if you like reading, she’s also a writer and has some books in Spanish.
Mateo & Lisanna
Here’s another YouTube channel about traveling! This time you’ll be guided by a couple composed of Mateo, an Argentinian, and Lisanna, an Estonian. Two very different cultures mixed, right? That’s what’s so cool about them!
Even though Lisanna is not a native Spanish speaker, she knows the language very well and speaks it fluently. So there will be no problem understanding her. In fact, you might feel identified with her as someone who likes the Spanish language and knows the challenges of learning it.
By watching their videos you’ll get to hear their accents; you’ll especially learn the Argentinian accent.
You’ll find videos from many different countries, like Estonia, Brazil, Mexico, Norway, Honduras, Argentina, Japan, Morocco, and others. They share their experiences, their visits to iconic places of that country, the beautiful landscapes, the way people live, what they eat… Basically anything they live and find.
Luisito Comunica
Here’s one of the most popular YouTubers in Spanish. He has over 40 million subscribers!
He has many travel vlogs. But you can also find other kinds of videos on his channel, like when he gives his opinion on the iPhone 16. Or where he visits the first Oxxo store in Mexico. Or vlogs asking people different random questions, though these are mainly old videos.
The travel vlogs are very informative. He gives history and background of the places he visits.
There are videos from many countries around the world. He shares their food, his experiences, their traditions, the culture, and talks to the locals. He also visits different places, some cataloged as iconic, some others as beautiful and some more as dangerous.
Many of the places he visits have some interesting name or characteristic, like the city where only 1 person lives. There are also some vlogs where he eats popular food from a certain place and gives his honest review. And the classic videos where he visits and shows us supermarkets around the world.
As you can see, Luisito Comunica’s videos are very interesting.
Alan x el mundo
Alan Estrada is a famous Mexican actor and singer. But even after having already done some work as an actor, he decided to also become a travel vlogger. This was a great decision, because he became super popular; people loved his work as a YouTuber.
Cinematography speaking, his videos are really beautiful. But they also have great content. He shares his experiences and feelings when traveling. As well as some history and cultural knowledge and facts about the places he visits.
You’ll find videos on many different countries and places, such as France, Korea, Dominican Republic, Mongolia, India, Mexico, and more. He has videos visiting castles, beaches, forests, and many awesome landscapes.
He also eats traditional foods, visits museums and places with important historical backgrounds, and shows typical traditions. He also has some vlogs that work as guides to show you all the things you could do in a certain country.
If you love Mexico and its culture, this is the perfect channel for you. Not only does Alan have a Mexican accent, but he’s also traveled to all the different states in Mexico. So you’ll get to see all those places through his videos, and maybe choose your next destination.
It’s the perfect channel to learn Spanish and get to know many different cultures, including some Spanish speaking ones. This way you’ll truly immerse in everything the Spanish language has to offer.
How to Learn with Spanish Vloggers
Slow down the speed. If you feel like the vlogger speaks too fast for your level, don’t worry. YouTube has an option for slowing down the speed a little bit or too much, choose the one that fits your level the best.
It might sound weird, because of how slowly the vlogger will speak now, but it’ll help you understand everything.
Use subtitles. If you’re a beginner, you can use subtitles if you feel like the vlogger speaks fast and uses too much vocabulary you haven’t learned yet. YouTube also has an option to turn on the subtitles.
As you advance in your Spanish learning journey and when you feel ready, we recommend you lose the subtitles. Remember. This is only for beginners! More advanced levels are ready to take the challenge without subtitles.
Try understanding through context. Even if you’re an advanced learner, there will always be words and phrases you don’t understand. That’s fine; we’re always learning, especially when it comes to a language it’s not our native one.
Because languages can have many nuances and expressions outside of the obvious, like sayings and slang words. But if you can understand other words, then that can help you understand the whole idea of what’s been said or what’s happening. You can also guide yourself by what the vlogger is doing and recording in the video.
For example: Let’s say he/she says “Estoy surfeando en las playas de México”. If you don’t know the word “surfear”, but you’re watching him surf, then you can imagine it means he’s surfing. This is learning through context.
Watch someone that makes content that you like. Learning through fun activities it’s always better, because we don’t even feel like we’re studying. We’re just having a good time, casually acquiring a new language.
That’s why you must choose a vlogger that you like and that makes content you’re interested in. If you choose a beauty vlogger, but you don’t like makeup and fashion, you probably will get bored and won’t even pay attention.
Watch videos every day. When learning a language, it’s important to engage in activities to learn it and practice it every day, or as much as possible. Otherwise, you might forget what you learned. You must keep reinforcing the knowledge. You can watch while you do something else (that is safe), like washing the dishes.
Apply the learned. If you’ve acquired some slang in Spanish or vocabulary for travel in Spanish, use it! Learning a language shouldn’t be just about mesmerizing, but about communicating.
So speak using what you’ve learned; apply it to your every day. Even if you make mistakes, you’re learning how and when to use that word or phrase. By doing this, you’re also reinforcing what you learned watching the vlog.
Is That It? Am I Spanish Fluent Now?
Well… No. Not really. As fun as they are, YouTube and Spanish vloggers won’t make you fluent in Spanish. They’re great practice, though!
You’ll learn important Spanish vocabulary, pronunciation, traditions and culture from different Spanish speaking countries. It can work as part of an immersion activity for language learning.
But you’ll still need some classes. Wait, don’t go! Classes can actually be super fun and interesting. For example, here at TruFluency we offer Spanish immersion lessons with native teachers!
This means you’ll learn from people that use the language every day and know the nuances of it. This is like listening to or watching a YouTube video but with professionals of the language and more activities for learning! It’s still so much fun!
What’s best is that all of our classes are customized to your language goals and needs. So if you need accent training, to learn some slang words, phrases for business, cultural tips, or anything else, we can help.
We also base all of our lessons on our very own Bellieu Method, created by our founder and CEO, Micah Bellieu. It consists of encouraging students to speak in their target language in every class. This is the best way to achieve Spanish fluency!
Check our methodology for yourself: Take two trial classes of one hour each now! It’s online and you can choose between our flexible schedules to fit your agenda. We’ll make an assessment and create a plan accordingly.