Sorry is a common word that you can use in many different situations. You could use the word as an apology, like when you fight with a friend. Or you could use it as a way to say you’re sad that something has happened, like when someone tells you they’ve been fired....
If you’re an American you already have one of the biggest advantages in the world of languages: you speak English! It is a very important language to communicate with others. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop there. Spanish is another language that will give you...
English is the most spoken language in the world. Not only is it the official language of over 60 countries, but it is also a very popular second language. Many schools teach English as a foreign language to their students because they know that it will open many...
Spanish is such a popular language that sometimes even non-Spanish speakers know a few words. Some examples are hola (hello), por favor (please), and gracias (thanks). But there are many other expressions that native Spanish speakers use to thank someone. Some of...
You’re having dinner with your Spanish-speaking friends and they ask you if you like chili. Everyone is giggling, or laughing out loud and you’re oblivious to what’s going on. Soon, you learn that what they asked you has a double meaning. After the blush on your...
Every language has many different sayings that people use in certain situations to express popular wisdom. You’ve probably heard some in your native language. Maybe your grandma told a few when you were a mischievous kid. And maybe now you use some for different life...