Hey, como você se sente? Ready to start learning a new language? Awesome! How about Portuguese? Yay, that’s a great decision! Languages will take you far in your personal and professional life. And Portuguese is an incredibly beautiful language with which you’ll be able to make foreign friends and travel to amazing places. You won’t regret learning it!

Don’t worry, we know it can be complicated at times. That’s why today we bring you 10 tips for learning Portuguese. It doesn’t matter if you’re just about to start your language journey or already know a bit but are looking to improve. These tips are for everyone. Because there’s always something else we can do to upgrade our learning method.

10 Portuguese Slang Words

1. Choose the type of Portuguese

This might sound obvious, but it’s not and it’s a necessary first step. You have to choose which kind of Portuguese to learn. Because, believe us, there are some differences, like in any other language.

If you’re not sure of the differences, we have a blog explaining some of them. It’s important that you know them, so you can choose more carefully the type of Portuguese you want to learn.

Of course, if you learn one kind of Portuguese, you can still make yourself understood to people that speak the other kind of Portuguese. It’s like American English and British English. Nonetheless, it’s easier and better for you to first focus on one and specialize on it.

Another thing you can do to make your decision is to think of your personal language goals. What do you want to do with that language? Is your biggest dream to travel to Brazil? Would you like to move to Portugal? Are you working for a Brazilian company?

Are your parents in law Portuguese and don’t speak any English?

So, which one is it, then? Do you prefer to learn Brazilian or European Portuguese?

2. Learn some words and phrases

Even if you’re just starting your Portuguese journey, learn some basic words and phrases. So you can start getting used to the language.

This will also allow you to understand a bit more of what is being said when you follow some of our other tips below. Such as watching a movie or listening to some music.

If you’re not a beginner, it’s even more important for you to learn and expand your vocabulary. Besides learning at school, you can also do this by yourself.

This tip becomes even more important if you’re traveling abroad or for some reason need to speak to a native Portuguese speaker. Because if you already know a few words and expressions, you’ll be better prepared for the interaction.

Learning some Portuguese words and phrases is like giving your future self a heads up of what is coming in your language journey. You’ll thank yourself later!

Just look up some common words and phrases in Portuguese on the internet, we even have some blogs at TruFluency. Make sure you learn the meaning. Then, you can look up some YouTube videos with those words to hear the correct pronunciation.

Finally, try to make sentences (or even write long paragraphs and tales) with them. So you practice and learn how to use them in the proper situations. Even better, speak to someone using your new vocabulary.

3. Watch movies and shows

Yes, you read that right. Watching movies and tv shows is an amazing way to learn Portuguese! Though it won’t make you a 100% Portuguese expert, it does help you in many areas of the language.

It’s one of the best ways to learn common everyday vocabulary, like idioms. As well as to train your ears, learn the correct pronunciation of words and acquire the accent.

Plus, maybe some of the films will show you how natives live their normal lives. Which could mean you’ll also learn about their culture and traditions.

The movies and series can be in another language and dubbed in Portuguese. But we think it’s better if they’re originally in Portuguese.

If you’re a beginner, start by using subtitles in your mother tongue. As you learn and pass levels, lose the subtitles.

4. Read books

Are you a bookworm? Then, this is great news for you! Reading books will help you improve your Portuguese skills, especially your vocabulary, grammar and reading. And no, we’re not talking about those boring textbooks some schools give you.

Let’s be honest, some are full of exercises that don’t usually represent real life; others have boring Portuguese theory. We recommend reading any book you want.

Are you more of a memoir kind of person? Look for the biography of a Portuguese speaking person and read it. Or maybe you prefer Science fiction, horror, romance, historical novel, graphic novel, poetry or even theater.

The truth is, you’ll learn more by reading what you like and want, because you’ll enjoy it and will be immersed in the story. So, your brain will absorb the knowledge in a more natural and casual way.

Want an extra tip? Try reading out loud, so you also practice your pronunciation and speaking.

5. Listen to music

Put on your headphones and get ready for an evening full of Portuguese music! Okay, honestly, you can do this at any time of the day. Just look for some songs in Portuguese on YouTube or search for a Portuguese playlist on Spotify and play it.

You don’t even have to sit down and read the lyrics like it’s study time. Nah, just listen to the music as you usually do. Maybe while cooking, while getting a bath, while putting on your makeup… You choose. Or even better, let’s make it fun! You can throw a Portuguese-theme party or a karaoke.

Your ears will start training for the language without you even noticing it. You’ll also learn vocabulary, idioms and correct pronunciation. And if you start trying to sing, you’ll practice your speaking.

6. Speak with others

Yes, it’s time. We understand it’s scary to speak a language that’s not your mother tongue, but it’s necessary. There’s no better way to achieve Portuguese fluency than by speaking, speaking and speaking. And you should know, it’s okay to make mistakes.

We recommend you start speaking with others from day one. But we understand if you’re too scared. But at some point you have to start. So, if you’ve already done all the tips above, it’s time to practice speaking with others.

You can speak with fellow language classmates that are learning just like you. And if you know someone that is a native Portuguese speaker, we highly recommend you speak to them. Maybe it’s a friend, a neighbor, your partner… It doesn’t matter. Make the effort to speak with them in their native language.

You can tell them you need practice and they’ll probably be happy to help. Maybe they’ll even be happy to respectfully correct you if you make a mistake or help you if you’re struggling with an idea.

Come on! Você pode fazê-lo!

7. Language Exchange Apps

If you don’t know anyone you can speak Portuguese to in person, it’s okay. Try with some language exchange apps or websites. These are apps that are all about bilingual conversations with someone whose native language is your target language.

You’ll speak half of the time in their mother tongue so you can practice. Then they’ll speak in your mother tongue, so they practice. And you are supposed to help each other, because you’re both experts in one language and learning the other one. So, you’re like a complement to each other’s language journey.

So just sign up for one of the language exchange sites and look for someone that speaks Portuguese, especially the type that you’re trying to learn.

8. Travel abroad!

If you’re learning Portuguese, maybe this is already one of your dreams. Let us tell you, you won’t regret it. Traveling will force you to improve your Portuguese, because you’ll have to speak with locals, even if just to ask for directions.

But try to come out of your shell and ask not just for the necessary things. Ask people about their lives and traditions. Get to know them. Maybe you’ll end up making new friends.

Another great thing traveling will bring you is cultural awareness and sensitivity. That means you’ll learn about their culture and become aware of the differences between countries and lifestyles, without being judgmental. So, you’ll become more empathetic, more knowledgeable and a better person.

Let’s not forget language is very close to culture; they go hand in hand. So traveling and getting to know the country and culture of your target language is one of the best things you can do.

9. Create opportunities for yourself with social media

We understand not everybody has the opportunity to travel abroad to practice their Portuguese skills. Not everyone can pay for apps to help them learn the language. And not everyone knows someone that speaks the language. Nonetheless, they might still feel like learning and practicing Portuguese.

If you feel identified with that, It’s okay. Try to create opportunities for yourself to learn by using tools you might have at your disposal. If you have an internet connection, you have access to social media and that will be your biggest tool.

For example: You could create a TikTok account where you post your progress speaking in Portuguese day by day. People love looking at others’ evolving journey. And who knows? Maybe some followers will give you tips. If you don’t want a language focused account, you could speak about any other thing but in Portuguese, so you practice.

Just make sure your followers know you’re learning, so they can give you constructive criticism. You could also make an Instagram account asking for people’s advice, tips and corrections. Or you could join a Facebook group of people that are learning the same language.

10. Act as a teacher

Talking about creating opportunities for yourself with what you have, this is another thing to do that doesn’t need a lot. Pretend you’re a Portuguese teacher.

It doesn’t matter your language level, even if you only know a bit of Portuguese, try to teach someone else. Maybe your friends or a family member. Of course, make sure they know you’re not an expert nor a real teacher.

But why is this helpful? Acting as the teacher could help you make a review over everything you’ve learned, analyze and understand it better. Explaining to someone else is like dissecting a piece of information for others and that will inevitably help you as well.

As a teacher, you’re repeating what you already know, so it’s like a reinforcement. Your knowledge will strengthen.

Pss, Pss! We Have One Last Tip for You!

Would you like one last tip to learn Portuguese? It doesn’t hurt to know another one, right? Actually, the more, the better. So here it is: Sign up for TruFluency Portuguese classes.

TruFluency is a completely online language school, and we offer Portuguese lessons with native teachers. That’s right, you’ll be learning from native speakers! That’s an amazing opportunity to learn useful things for a real-life situation.

Of course, we cannot not mention our Bellieu Method in which our classes are based. It is about speaking using what you’ve learned. So you can develop impressive conversation skills and fluency.

The best of us is that we’ll customize the lessons to your language goals and needs. So even if you already know some Portuguese, but are struggling with something in particular, tell us and we’ll work on that. This way, you can do anything you truly want with your Portuguese skills.

But hey, why don’t you read our testimonials to get another opinion? And after that, take a two-hour trial class. Or if you prefer, it can be two classes of one hour each. It’ll leave such a great impression on you that you’ll want to sign up for more.