Oh, the allure of being able to speak in a foreign tongue.

Exotic! …Exciting! …Expensive?

I’m not sure if we have really taken the time to question, how much does it really cost for one to become a bonafide member of the bilingual world? Well, the answer to that question really depends on what you value—time or money?

Many of us see foreign languages as charming, but if that is the only reason we want to learn, then paying a reasonable fee for fluency may be out of your budget. If, however, you need this additional language for work or to speak with your spouse’s family, then invested time is just what you need!

Why learn a new language anyway?

Well, one of the more fundamental reasons is for work! The global community that we all now live in has shaped our lives in a rather unique way. And while Google Translate is useful, it must be tedious to attempt to use translation technology to figure out entire meetings. Switching from screen to screen to copy your question, waiting on the response and pasting your reply, can become a bit much!

If this is a language that you will be interacting with for the foreseeable future, then learning it will certainly be to your advantage. No more flip-flopping.

On the other hand, most of us have found ourselves indoors with a whole lot of free time on our hands and no idea what to do with it! While many of us are extremely excited to use this time to catch up on some well-needed sleep, the super organized and extremely motivated achievers among us may feel a little lost.

Well, learning a new language could be just the thing for you. Not just learning it, though, but learning it well. It’s an educational pursuit, but it really is a relaxing exercise that could count as a new hobby! Picture it… Sicily… No, not with The Golden Girls, but you! On a business trip, without an interpreter! #goals.

Then there are the spontaneous among us. The ones who never back down from a challenge and can see the positive in almost any and everything. Who knows what opportunities learning a new language could open up for us? Let’s do it! …But how?

Which Type of Language Class is Best for Me and My Goals?

There are a bunch of ways to fulfill your language learning goals.
You can choose :

  • group lessons online
  • or at a physical school
  • There are also more private lessons where a tutor can come to your home or
  • vice versa for one-on-one lessons
  • And finally, there is the self-paced option through sites like Pimsleur or apps like DuoLingo.

TruFluency offers what we believe to be one of the most effective methods – one-on-one tutoring. You know yourself better than anyone else.

If you learn best on your own, or you want fast progress, then the group setting won’t work for you, and the last thing we’d like is for you to waste your resources.

How Much Time Can You Give to Learning a New Language?

That brings us to the next point!

How much available time do you have for language lessons? If you have a demanding schedule then private lessons (online or in-person) would work best for you, as that medium allows you to choose your own schedule.

Group classes will be less flexible. Just like back in high school or college, the schedule is set for you, you simply need to show up.

The self-paced platforms are available for your choosing.

How Much Do Private Language Lessons Cost?

The final step is checking the price. From highest to lowest, while private lessons will definitely be the most pricey, the online version of this clocks in a little lower than its in-person counterpart.

Similarly, group lessons in person – though cheaper than the private lessons – will cost more than group lessons online.

Then come the software programs, followed by the different apps, paid, then free. Now that we have this info, let us use it to honestly decide what works best for us, what can your pocket handle?

Comparing Language Lessons Costs

The big question: What is your monthly budget and will that align with your goals?

If you only have $100 per month to spend, that could be two to four online live classes, OR one and a half live in-person classes, OR four to six group in-person classes, OR four to six group online classes, or two to four months of a subscription to a software program or application.

While most schools insist on four hours weekly as the minimum class time to truly see fast progress, research has shown that for one to learn a language well, a minimum of two hours per week is the absolute least amount of time that should be spent talking with the teacher if you want to move forward with the language at a reasonable pace, albeit slow.

If it’s a hobby and you do not really care if you get fluent quickly, then as little as an hour per week can work for you with a live instructor. This information should really help you to choose effortlessly, once your goals and your budget align.

Well, what type of language course will you choose?

For the hobbyists among us, one hour per week with a live tutor or a fun group may just be up your alley.

The self-paced environments are also great for giving you just the amount of engagement you desire, for the least amount of spending.

For those of us who really want progress but the time and/or money refuse to cooperate just now, the two hour per week minimum would be just great, maybe even with a group to make some new friends as well!

At approximately $200 to $400 per month, you can be well on your way to second language acquisition.

And lastly, if you are intent on conducting your future business meetings in a second language, serious fluency can be attained at the cost of a minimum of four hours per week, which is approximately $400 to $800 per month!

TruFluency is an excellent investment for those ready and willing to truly become fluent in a new language. Check out our rates for 4, 8, and 12 hours a month:

4 Hours – $224 ($56 per hour)
8 Hours – $392 ($49 per hour)
12 Hours – $540 ($45 per hour)

Once you’ve decided, we will be happy to schedule with you. Try a month with one of our fluency coaches and get 20% off with coupon code TF20. See what happens. Until then, Adios! Au revoir! Sayonara! Zaijian! Tchau! Proschay! Goodbye!